Jul 31, 2009

A Spiritual Conspiracy

I received this a few years ago ... and then this morning I recieved it five times!! Thought it best I share!


On the surface of our world right now
There is war, violence, and craziness
And things may seem dark.

But calmly and quietly
At the same time
Something is happening underground.

An inner revolution is taking place
And certain individuals
Are being called to a higher light.

It is a silent revolution
From the inside out
From the ground up.

This is a global co-operation
That has sleeper cells in every nation.
It is a planetary Spiritual Conspiracy.

You won't likely see us on T.V.
You won't read about us in the newspaper.
You won't hear from us on the radio.

We don't seek glory.
We don't wear any uniform.
We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles.

We are in every country and culture of the world
In cities big and small, mountains and valleys
In farms and villages, tribes and remote islands.

Most of us work anonymously
Seeking not recognition of name
But profound transformation of life.

Working quietly behind the scenes
You could pass by one of us on the street
And not even notice.

We go undercover
Not concerned for who takes the final credit
But simply that the work gets done.

Many of us may seem to have normal jobs.
But behind the external storefront
Is where the deeper work takes a place.

With the individual and collective power
Of our minds and hearts
We spread passion, knowledge, and joy to all.

Some call us the Conscious Army
As together
We co-create a new world.

Our orders come from the Spiritual Intelligence Agency
Instructing us to drop soft, secret love bombs
when no one is looking.

Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Smiles ~ Kind words
Movies ~ Meditation and prayer ~ Dance ~ Websites
Social activism ~ Blogs ~ Random acts of kindness…

We each express ourselves
In our own unique ways
With our own unique gifts and talents.

"Be the change you want to see in the world"
That is the motto that fills our hearts.
We know this is the path to profound transformation.

We know that quietly and humbly
Individually and collectively
We have the power of all the oceans combined.

At first glance our work is not even visible.
It is slow and meticulous
Like the formation of mountains.

And yet with our combined efforts
Entire tectonic plates
Are being shaped and moved for centuries to come.

Love is the religion we come to share
And you don't need to be highly educated
Or have exceptional knowledge to understand it.

Love arises from the intelligence of the heart
Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse
Of all living beings.

Be the change you want to see in the world.
Nobody else can do it for you.
Yet don't forget, we are all here supporting you.

We are now recruiting.
Perhaps you will join us
Or already have.

For in this spiritual conspiracy
All are welcome, and all are loved.
The door is always open.

~ Author Appropriately Unknown

Also ... if you have a spare hour (try and find one) listen to this gentleman.

And if you've got 43 secs ... watch this

Have a fab weekend people.
Blossom xx


You (frosti) said...

God bless you Blossom Goodchild.
You and all my Brothers & Sisters.

I love you all very much.

It is time for The Truth.


I N P h o b e said...

How funny is this? Look at this I posted on 7.30.2009: http://inphobe.blogspot.com/2009/07/spiritual-conspiracy.html
And also, look at a few of the vids I like to keep 'nearby' (sorry if some are in Spanish...mine's a bilingual blog): http://inphobe.blogspot.com/search/label/video
Cheers! And long live synchronicity!

Anonymous said...

Blossom I am not one of the quiet cells the post refers to. People are wanting to know what it is they are feeling they are afraid to talk about it and when I do they want to know...... why don't we know about this? why havn't we been told? who else knows about this? there are soooo many others though who don't want to know and I am learning that,they are affraid, they are in their comfort zone but more and more are awakening and want to know what it is that they are awakening to, they are affraid it is religion affraid that it is control.

Frosti loved your youtube I felt the feelings all the way through it good on you, loved the giving and the receiving very powerful my friend:)Love,light and oneness

overzicht@hotmail.com said...

Hey Blossom! Bob Dean is indeed an amazing individual at 80 years old!
I've seen all his interviews on projectcamelot.org and they're all worth checking out. He always reminds of a Gandalf 'Lord Of The Rings', type of wise-man with a great way of presenting his testimony. Great post!
Take care, be well
Jerome The Netherlands

You said...

Hello Blossom and All.
Thx Kerry, your nice comments give me a lot of energy.

These lasts few months a have developed a very intense sensitivity with the Universe.

I think what you kerry would like to know about is the following.
Plz bear with me that my mother language is not english so a strougle to explain myself.

The Universe is achieving completion, and they are a some negative energies that do not want for this to happen.

Don't ask me how a know this, i just do. Its just who I am.

I shall adopt a new name from now on.

You can all call me You.

Much Love to you all. We will win this Love War.

Wanda said...

Great video YOU(frosti)...I have come to realize recently that I am merely a conduit to the Universal Energy. All I have to do is find that place in my heart, and I can feel and see the energy flow in through my head, down into the ground, and back out my hands. Been sitting outside practicing at dark. I can actually see the energy waves coming off my hands.
I've been sending so much LOVE out lately, I can't seem to go to bed without doing this.
Funny though, last night we had a freak lightening storm pass through...waited until it passed. Don't want to be a lightening rod! :-)

You said...

Hello Blossom and All.

I just find out why I was feeling so low.
You see, my body is simbiotic with my soul, so they/regressive energies have effect on me, I cannot be higher. So have no choice but to embrasse all the negativity.

Don't worry they failed.

We already were/are/will be.

Much Love to all.

You said...

By the way Blossom.

I think it might be a good ideia if you put those little chatrooms softwares on your blog, or maybe even create one.
How about "The Army of Love" ;)

We might need to use real time on our favor soon.

Love, Light & Oneness

Anonymous said...

I have just joined a site! ( I will slow down soon:) smiles you don't believe me!
This site has explained 'the star war' I don't normally go there, but something about the email I received from this Lady inspired me.
The Feds are an all they are NOT separation there is separation going on between the Masters and certain star beings it would seem, this is why some resonate to me and some do not depending where I am focused at the time, I have no separation going on, I do not resonate to some that are totally focused on the Masters and I do not resonate to some totally focused on UFOs and conspiracy theories I am in the middle as usual same as in my world:) This is why The Feds are confusing some people THEY ARE AN ALL no separation end of duality 5th dimension here we come you are sooo brave to have taken this on my friend on ya!

You said...

Sorry Blossom, 3 post on one day...
But i need to share something.
May this be the beginning of a beautiful happy ending.


Much Love

You said...

Blossom tell them that only the Federation of Light will be aloud to enter.
I can only trust in our Love.
Beautifully will not enforce destruction unless she has to.

She honors Life, She honors Creation.

Kerry can you post that website link plz. i have a great deal of interest in learn that info.

Anonymous said...

Here it is Frosti


Take care my friend:)

AnonimaAnonima said...

I've also got a blog and website up, mainly e-books, links and articles for Starseeds: http://starseedlibrary.blogspot.com/

Hugs and love, love, love! :)

Anonymous said...

Dearest Blossom

hope you're OK...no channelling for quite some time.
I kept my word, feel much better now than a few weeks ago...Thank you.
Golden rays.

You said...

Here Blossom.
Our Freedom.
I love you so much, you are my LITE.


Blossom Goodchild said...

@Frosti ... glad you are feeling better ... yet remember ... it is for us to send Love to the dark ... that is how it will change. Glad you are finding strength here. Golden Rays to all.

Anonymous said...


Thursday's LUNAR ECLIPSE Grid Transmissions:
A 24 hour transmission period of New Earth energy
in the collective consciousness Unified Field. With unified meditation/ceremony synchronized to 3 global times: Sydney 9 pm, Paris 8 pm, New York 9 pm

The rest of the info is on my blog

With Love good on you I was wondering what you have been up to:)

Anonymous, be at peace my friend don't take it all on your shoulders, this is not for you to do.I know you were not the only one temporarily lost in fear there are many and you can now assist them:)All is as it should be.

Love,light and peace

Anonymous said...

I went to a medium last night he said he saw 3 planets and they were emmiting 3 bright white lights coming together at a point there was an emense amount of energy being focused he said he saw the moon and there was a huge Mother ship behind it,He said the Earth is becoming apart of a Federation, I asked if the 3 planets were moons he didn't know. Some months ago now I saw a huge ring around the moon and nothing was within this space just clear dark sky and yet outside of this there were clouds and stars,this was just after 14th Oct.Recently I came across a post from a lady who was saying she saw a Mother ship a month ago and she discribed the same thing that I saw, I didn't know what I was seeing but this lady is familar with such things.

~The Federation of Light~ 30th Nov. channelling
We give to you the number three. It will be as if there are three moons within the one moon. We are giving you an image of the moon, and it is more Golden as opposed to white, and it has two outer rings around it. There will be radiance from it, an energy that has not been picked up on before. And you are getting ‘This is the real moon’. It is back.

Anonymous said...

A cheery good morning from the states!
I have noticed this radiance around the moon for the past several months but had actually forgotten that the FOL had spoken about it until Kerrie brought it up. Actually back then was about when I noticed the difference.
The last couple of nights its been quite profound. Almost like when you look at it, it knows and the energy moves or pulses. Its far out!
Blessings and Love

You said...

Do not call me Frosti anymore.
I am no longer frozen.
I am Eternal Flame.


AnonimaAnonima said...

Here in Europe it's too hot to type, too hot to channel and too hot to update websites, so I've been very lazy these days.

I wonder how the Feds are doing. I think they're happy with our spiritual progress, because it seems much easier to anchor love and light.

The awakened Lightworkers I know don't seem to doubt themselves anymore. And I'm still thinking pink, bright, beautiful and radiant pink :)

Faith said...

That is great news, Congratulations from my heart Eternal Flame!

Love, Faith

Anonymous said...

Smiles!!!!!!!! (You said) so glad you are now hot stuff:)

Here is a link to my blog dear friends,


I have just received Mark Kimmels old channeling of replacement of the moon from a member of my site, so I have put it up with The Federation of Lights channeling of replacement of the moon it explains what our Star family are doing now with earths axis and how it is affecting our weather and how it will assist us with food growth etc and how the dark forces have been weakened because of this:) ALL IS AS IT SHOULD BE:)

manndw52 said...

Lets get this party started;
my life is a wreck ,I would like some major changes here.

You said...

Thank you for yesterday Blossom.
I'm going to a great deal of emotions. and still haven't learn how to control them.

You are my lite.
You are my harmony.


Anonymous said...

My beautiful Blossom,
All souls must be true to themselves and stand in their own individual light. As we each wake up, we will all find our light and we will be drawn to it, it will reside within our indivdual knowing, within our own individual soul self. We will each find it through your own awareness and journeys. The time is now that we must remain to be within our light at all times, in every situation, within every thought.
It becomes easier as time progresses and the more in concert we each become with the devine and everything on earth.
We all have unconditional love within us at levels that would simply astound most of society.
We are all from the same source of the same energy. When we are in our truth, we know that we are all brothers and sisters of the one light. Hold fast in your individual dedication to desire a change to mankind that has never been experienced since before time began. You all know it is felt throughout so many vibrational frequencies and well beyond. We all feel that we are making a change in our own individual special way, keep it up even when you dont feel like it. By doing so, you will feel your desire for unconditional love grow stronger until such time that it starts to have a integration with your physical self and our individual desire to bring our beautiful mother earth back into the light forever.
A huge thank you to you Blossom, White Cloud, FOD, and others for your continued dedication to distribute your message of unconditional love to all, we are trully all blessed to have come to know of you, your unconditional guidance and of course your bright and beautiful smile. love dan

Anonymous said...

My beautiful Blossom,
All souls must be true to themselves and stand in their own individual light. As we each wake up, we will all find our light and we will be drawn to it, it will reside within our indivdual knowing, within our own individual soul self. We will each find it through your own awareness and journeys. The time is now that we must remain to be within our light at all times, in every situation, within every thought.
It becomes easier as time progresses and the more in concert we each become with the devine and everything on earth.
We all have unconditional love within us at levels that would simply astound most of society.
We are all from the same source of the same energy. When we are in our truth, we know that we are all brothers and sisters of the one light. Hold fast in your individual dedication to desire a change to mankind that has never been experienced since before time began. You all know it is felt throughout so many vibrational frequencies and well beyond. We all feel that we are making a change in our own individual special way, keep it up even when you dont feel like it. By doing so, you will feel your desire for unconditional love grow stronger until such time that it starts to have a integration with your physical self and our individual desire to bring our beautiful mother earth back into the light forever.
A huge thank you to you Blossom, White Cloud, FOD, and others for your continued dedication to distribute your message of unconditional love to all, we are trully all blessed to have come to know of you, your unconditional guidance and of course your bright and beautiful smile. love dan

Anonymous said...

I have just come across this channeling so good, left and right brain uniting ( body and soul) love it:) the perfect balanced Christ light bring it on!

posted the rest on my blog
(see Blossom I am being good!)smiles!!!!!!!!


...................On August 9, 2009 this stargate will be fully open and will remain open for two solar days. Within the four days prior to this date, you will feel a vibrational shift in your being and a notice a shift in your thinking. Your earth will culminate the trinity of eclipses. The first July 6-7, 2009, was a lunar eclipse. Then on July 22-23, 2009, was a solar eclipse. On August 6, 2009, will be the final eclipse which will be a lunar eclipse. Eclipses represent gateways, we call them stargates, that move thought and energy from one dimension into another. This final eclipse will ensure the energy of the portal vibrationally resonates the harmonics of the sacred feminine.

You said...


WE ARE almost there.


Wanda said...

Dan, I am in awe at your words... so much energy shifting around that I've been feeling all over the place.
I can't tell you how much I needed to hear those words right now....
You just summed up EVERYTHING that's been deep inside.
Thank you.
Love and Light to ALL.

Faith said...

Blossom- thank you, that is one gorgeous message that just came through. Gives a new meaning to 'Shake and Bake', doesn't it (hope you know what that is- American food item that you put in a bag, add your chicken pieces to the bag, then shake to coat the pieces, then bake!)

And yes they do pick some interesting words. Only one that I would question- 'coerce' in this part-

'there is a formula that exists. A pattern … that allows the frequency in which ‘life’ coerces with ‘life force’ and creates the sum of the whole. '

here is the definition of 'coerce':

* Etymology: Middle English cohercen, from Anglo-French *cohercer Latin coercÄ“re, from co- + arcÄ“re to shut up, enclose — more at ark
* Date: 15th century

1 : to restrain or dominate by force 'religion in the past has tried to coerce the irreligious — W. R. Inge'
2 : to compel to an act or choice 'was coerced into agreeing'
3 : to achieve by force or threat 'coerce compliance'
synonyms see force

— co·erc·ible \-ˈər-sÉ™-bÉ™l\ adjective

I would say the word 'coalesce', as in 2 parts merging, would be what I would pick for that part, rather than the more forceful 'coerce'. And they sound similar so it might be that they were giving you 'coalesce'. Just my 10 cents! or $5.00 in this era of inflation! Much love, Faith

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan, Love your heart,beautiful post, I have to ask my friend, why do you refer to the Feds as FOD? L&L

Wanda said...

OK Blossom....it's time to set up some kind of world meditation !
We can start with us putting the word out...and see where it goes.. :-)
And I have to say is this...after reading all 3 Dolores Cannon's "Convaluted Universe" books...I know Exactly what they are talking about. It makes perfect sense. I've been waiting so long to here this.. :-)

Dave, Brighton, UK said...

Your inner beauty, strength, and the gift of chanelling makes you a very special one amongst us, thank you for your insightful words : you have helped me find my own "guide". Blessings to you and much love! xxx

Anonymous said...

I am feeling soooo good today:) these energies are beautiful, they are going to have to peel me of the ceiling if this keeps up 2 days now!!!! I feel as if all contracts have been lifted all karma released, that I empose on myself as if with release of judgement and forgiving ourselves and others has done the trick and we are now free to play in a world of creative energy (love) Whoo hoo bring it on!!!!!!!!!

Blossom Goodchild said...

You ... the last youtube you sent has been removed it seems. the one before that was still not quite ok for here ... Whilst most of it was/is lovely there are parts which use words that are not correct in my eyes if one is sending Love and Light to all. Trusting you understand. Also ... just checking what YOU mean by beautifully ... just wondering if your translation is correct as sometimes it doesnt seem to fit . only mentioning it to help.'
Hello everyone ... Golden Rays.

You said...

Hi Blossom. Thanks
Plz keep harmony in your space.
It guides me.

This has been really complicated i have been using my imagination in order to evolve spiritually, so sometimes i guet confused with my feelings.

Much Love to all.

You said...

I think Beautifully is my brige with the Creator.
She is a Fire bird.
I created her using my imagination.


Anonymous said...

Morning Star, (The name that was so loud in my head at 3am on what I later found out was Greek ascension day) has come to my attention again,I have now 3 people who have joined my site who have been given the name also, this is the recent email I got from a lady who signed a post on my site with Morning Star:
For a long time I was visited by a morning star. Each morning it would be there. I had a conversation with the Godess of the morn, her name is Aurora. Some how the morning star meant very much to me. I now have two star lights that represent my morningstar. Anyway something told me to have morningstar as my email name, so I did. Love & light. Morningstar.

You said...

Oh by the way everyone.
Enjoy the meteor shower today.

The Universe is saying thank you.

much love to all.

Victoria said...

Hello Everyone,

It's been a while since I last shared with you, I apologize for that, I have just been busy. Last time I shared some of my "special" dreams with you and since then I have had a few very good and vivid ones about "First Contact" and "Awakening".

However, since my dreams are usually interconnected, for your convenience I have posted the previous ones I shared with you earlier on my blog at 2012-ready.blogspot.com. I will be posting the new ones there also but I will comment on this Blog (Thanks to Blossom) when I post them, for those who are interested.

I trust my "special" dreams to be a form of guidance. I called them "special" because to me they are somehow prophetic or enlightening at the very least, for I have been having these kind of dreams ALL my life. These dreams are different from ordinary dreams in many ways and they help me understand things about myself and this reality, and some of them come through or at least warn me of things that my happen and give me a "heads up" to avoid them or look forward to them.

As mentioned I have some new "goody" dreams that I can't wait to share with you and I will as soon as I get back from my trip to Ottawa.

"With Love" I have been to your blog at starseedlibrary.blogspot.com and it is GREAT! Thank you for all the e-books and the links you have posted there. I have been looking to contact you in any other way but I haven't found a place to comment or to leave you a message in order to reply to your e-mails. Is there another way to contact you?

And finally I want to share that today is MY BIRTHDAY!!!!


Kerry, since you are so good with knowing all kind of things of the stars, astrology, etc. what's on the stars for me???

I don't even know what my rising sun or moon is or my Chinese or Zodiac year is. lol! All I know is that I am a Leo.

Thank you Blossom for letting me post this message here.

I LOVE you ALL and I am sending you my LOVE and Light straight from my heart to yours.


Mac said...

Happy Birthday Victoria! :)

So what do you guys feel about the Waitaha Prophecy? It predicts a pivotal moment in history on August 15, 2009. Are you feeling something is up?

Love from Sweden
You go Blossom:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthay Victoria,email me your year of birth, Leo the lion the leader from the heart:)

Thanks You said for the meteor info:)

I have just come across this you tube, love can build a bridge I love Cher, I was danceing around the house a few months ago one night to Cher's 'Believe' when White Cloud had got something to me and I relised it,Blossom it was when you asked The Federation of Light about the replacement of the moon. any way after dancing I flopped on my bed and closed my eyes and I could feel White Cloud smileing and in my minds eye I saw a little dog swirling around and around on its hind legs:))

Cher, Neneh Cherry, Chrissie Hynde & Eric Clapton - "Love Can Build A Bridge". 1995, Comic Relief


Victoria said...

Hi Everyone,

Thank you Mac and Kerry for your birthday wishes!

Mac do you have a specific link to those prophecies?

Kerry, I tried adding you as a friend through "Google Friend Connect", did you get the invitation?

By the way, if you go to my blog 2012-ready.blogspot.com and if I'm online we can CHAT LIVE! by just clicking on the "Chat with Victoria" link or you can leave your footprint. Cool little gadgets from Google. But I won't be online until next Tuesday so I will look forward to saying hello "live" to some of you then if you like.

So Kerry, Leo the lion and the leader from the heart? It makes A LOT of sense to me! My year of birth is 1971, but of course that is just for this reality since I am Infinite and Ageless as we ALL are! LOL.

Thank you Blossom for taking the time to post this and I hope you are having a lovely break and not too many e-mails to read.

Love you ALL!

Much Hugs, Love and Light from my hearts to yours,


:) <3 xoxo

You said...

Hello Blossom and All. I hope you all enjoyed the meteor shower.
The lights of my city are really bright and it was really cloudy so it was hard to see the stars, but then I asked "c'mon Universe I deserve this star"

And you have no ideia...IT SHOWED!
oh Blossom it was too beautiful.
It was HUGE, blue and bright.
I just gazed in wonder.

I have been so insperd by this Universe this last few days, i'm in Love by him.

Here i made this.






Anonymous said...

Here is the video to your post Blossom:)Sooo beautiful!


The Conscious Army - Love Is The New Religion
This film was created to inspire participation in a GLOBAL EVENT that has the potential to change the world. This event is the SOLAR WAVE of 2009. This event takes place at Equinox Sunrise ~ September 22nd, 2009. WHY, You ask? Because the fate of our planet, and the quality of life for all living things is in our hands. PARADISE is in OUR HANDS!

I'll post the rest on my blog:)

Victoria no I didn't get your friendship request in my mail,I might have overlooked it,sooo many emails things get lost:(

Anonymous said...

Re. the last channeling which I thought was very powerful thank you blossom, am including this link, because it helped me and maybe some others might find it helpful.


Love and light to all

AnonimaAnonima said...

Happy Birthday Victoria :-)

I've been tweaking my blog a bit too much and now the comments are gone. I will do something about that soon. And I also will read the new posts on your website. "See" you soon :)

Free hugs for everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mac yes I have been thinking of
The Waitaha Prophecy today as it is the 15th and I also have just found out it is Mother Mary's assumption day, After going through a dark experience the other day where a loved ones ego was in fear and I was feeling his negative energy with such intensity it was almost unbearable, such feelings are harder for me to endue these days, that energy feels so alien to me now.The next day I was back and on track again and feeling such beautiful energies and clarity of mind and on top of everything, as if I needed to see the dark and the light side by side, today I am feeling that something is indeed in the air, I feel a sense of excitement as if we are being prepared for an event:) I posted on forgiveness on my site as I received an email that made me respond in this manor, and directed people to the Feds forgiveness channeling, They are so spot on with their channelings, we are being prepared there is no doubt about it. Love,light and gratitude

You said...

5th Dimension here we come!!

uhhhh huuuu


Love & Life

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking the Feds channeled the forgiveness channeling asking us to wipe the slate clean on the portal opening 08/08/09 just after the 3 eclipses and just before the much awaited stargate opening of the 09/09/09
#9 is the sacred geometry # of the universe, it is transformation (dragonfly) it is the rapture 144, it is illumination,it is fire energy (heart) are we being prepared or what! purification is what comes to mind.
I am feeling very home sick today:(
in meditation I had a taste of home and it was nice!I saw my clear crystal pyramid glowing all the colours of the rainbow and within it a huge bright white light pulsating and I felt as if I was home, afterwards I went back to work feeling very peaceful but a little melancholy, I have noticed Sundays seem to do this I get all oh so spiritual:)
Love,Light and peace

Anonymous said...

I just now came across this:

Excerpt from Caroline Myss lecture on why people don't heal and how to take your spirit /power back through Forgiveness.

Forgiveness is in the air!

I was just thinking about Caroline Myss just the other day as I saw her when she came to Australia and read 4 of her books:)
ok Blossom thats it for tonight:)LUV YA!!!!!!!!

SD said...

Wonderful new channelling, Thank you so much Blossom.

Years ago I was going on a trip in the Fall that had been planned since Summer and I was very excited for it, thinking the time would never come. It was a lesson for me to truly understand how much time is an illusion because I realized that when I eventually did go on the trip, the wanting and the waiting for it could be recalled in an instant. We can access our whole past at any time through memories but our future is still veiled. In truth, the future is just as accessible, it is only our perception that makes it seem not so.

While I yearn for the time when we will all be united in Oneness, I know that when it does happen, it won't seem so very far away as it does now!

Has anyone had any experiences with the forgiveness meditation? I felt myself called to it one day and was kind of surprised at what came up. That being said, it certainly has changed some things in my life for the better!

So much love and light to all of you!


You said...

Hi Blossom and All.

I know that there might be a lot us fighting the paradoxes of this new mind metamorphsis, so I made this video.

Not that I am fully enlighten about what is going on either.

But still...here it his. Hope it helps.


Much Love to all

Anonymous said...

Beautiful channeling Blossom I feel them so close, I can't stop giving gratitude for their presence over and over as if I am in awe of the feeling of them, of their light energy, I stop in my very busy days these days just to feel them and smile at their closeness and the joy I feel at that.
I had a beautiful young man pop into my salon yesterday inquiring about my sign on crop circles, I told him about what is happening, he said he wants to know more, as he feels that something is going on, he said he used to find peace when he went to the ocean, but now he seems to be looking at stars as if they are calling to him. He came back this morning excited that he had just heard on the news that England has just released their UFO files, he said he is gay, into drugs,and has panic attacks but he knows he is not mad he feels things, I loved this beautiful young man he had such a beautiful heart,he seemed to be so defensive about who he is,but he should know he is beautiful, but he didn't! I feel he will be one of the many that find acceptance and peace soon, it is happening and these beautiful souls that find this planet so hard to understand will be the ones that lead others to their hearts:) Love,light and gratitude to you Blossom for all that you are doing you have no idea what all of this is doing for so many:)
Floating on lovely blissfull energies today:)

Anonymous said...

Afternoon Wanda and Kerry,
Thank you for your beautiful compliments. A slip of the fingers and my typing skills. Apologies meant FOL.

It is a honour to be alive on the earth at this time. As I said, dedicate all your energy only on unconditional love in all aspects of everything all the time and then apply visualization to it resulting a vibrational frequency's so high it can resinate across a whole country, lifting everyone else.
Never underestimate the power within, it is so profound, when channelled with unconditional love, joy and happiness. Every thing on earth has it, we all have it every single one of us. Its time to believe in what we acutally feel and know within our souls.

To our brothers and sisters of light, Thank you from the depths of my soul, it is an absolute honour to allow me to be ME.

Unconditional Love to all.


Anonymous said...

A beautiful noosa afternoon to all my brothers and sisters of light everywhere, how long have we all waited for this time, personally i am still trying to get my brain around it, but deep within my soulself I know of something that words just do not do justice for how and what I feel. I am sure that there are many millions of beautiful souls around the world that feel exactly the same way.

Deep within we made an agreement at another time in another place.

Dare to believe in what you all know as the truth of your own light and stand live within it every moment of every passing day and you will be WOWED at the reality that comes into being.

Stand in the brilliance of your loving light my brothers and sisters, this will be an amazing journey for mankind.

Our souls are one.

Light and love to your all.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Blossom Goodchild.

Have you ever read the messages that God Gave toMother Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio?

Anonymous said...


Mother Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio

Thank you Anonymous

Victoria said...

Hello everyone,

Thank you Blossom for the last channeling and for all the hard work you do to assist Earth Ascension.

Monday night after reading the last channeling I went to bed thinking "soon? how soon is soon?...I keep reading 'soon' 'soon' from many channellings and still don't know when 'soon' is". Then I dreamt all night about this but when I woke up I only remembered one thing from my dreams. That my 7 years old daughter who has a loose tooth from her from teeth kept saying to me in my dream "mommy, mommy they said they will come by the time my tooth falls".

Because I was woken up abruptly the next morning I wasn't able to go over ALL my dreams and save them into my conscious memory so the only thing I could hold on to was my daughters' comment but I am not sure she referred to both teeth or just one. I checked her tooth and it is pretty loose which gives me the shivers! is it that soon? Oh my Gosh!!! I feel currents go up and down my spine! LOL I'll keep checking and I'll keep you posted, however if this dream is a "special one" then we would all know when they show up before I would know when her tooth falls out. lol. :)

Yes, the Feds are here and have been for a long time, some of them all along with us from the beginning. The waiting for “First Contact” will "soon" be over and the fun will then begin! But what do you think? How "soon" is "soon"?

We were hand chosen to be here for these TIMES, Right Now, and have lived all through this “Alien human life” just so we can assist with the transformation of this planet Earth at this moment. We have waited all this life for this; however, these last days feel longer than ever. Sometimes I feel I cannot hold on any longer, I want to BE MYSELF and FREE from this human body. Now that I have remembered what I am, Pure Conscious Energy, formless and infinite, attuned to the Oneness of ALL Life where an Eternal state of Ecstasy, Love and Joy is my normal state of Being, there is nothing I want more than to see the whole world shift into this state of Being. The look in their faces when They will finally remember who they are, the celebration, the happiness, the peace and joy in their hearts! I can’t wait!!!

Thank you 'With Love' for your happy birthday wishes and I look forward to commenting on your blog.

Dan and Kerrie, Thank you for your wonderful words of encouragement.

Thank you everyone for Being here and sharing your Love with us.

Love, Light and kindness to All,


Victoria said...

We asked and the Universe Answers!

How amazing, loving and wonderful is that?

Within minutes after I posted my last comment I came across an article by "pure chance" (lol) about the "The Meaning of ‘Soon’." from other Channelled messages at johnsmallman.wordpress.com/musings.

I was taken to this site when I followed a link from another site from where I was reading his latest channeled message that also mentions:

"Life holds many astonishing and wonderful surprises for humanity which will be revealed very shortly. Peace on Earth, for which you have been yearning for so long, will soon be a reality, ..." "... Your freedom to be yourself, totally yourself, without any anxious need to present a face or attitude that is considered acceptable to others or to a situation, will release within you unimaginable quantities of enthusiasm and energy with which to revel and rejoice in every moment of your eternal existence."

Just click on the home button and you can also read the whole message.

I am grateful to be guided by my Higher Self and I am grateful to be able to share this with you All.

Much Love and Light,


Anonymous said...

A beautiful noosa evening to you victoria, thanks for allowing yourself to be guided to such an enlighening site. A breath of the most purest air just swept through my being, a cool breeze. Beautiful lady of light, child of the universe, wayshower, dare to be your self in the purest feeling of unconditional love, every single moment of every day.

I have proven many many times that this works and works in the most interesting and most profound ways. It is a wonderful honor I feel when I allow myself the time to exaime where I have been and where I am now.

A YOU know Victoria deep within your own beautiful soul, a eternal flame continues to burn. As quoted from your wonderful link, "we can not fail".

The honest and logical truth that resides within the feeling of words so loving explained to those of us who choose to look deeper into unconditional love and beyond. Into the silence of our inner selves to understand and ask or allow the answer to flow forth when we are ready to receive. Be only in the truth of your own light, always.

Bring this beautiful paradise of paradises into reality, its time to wake up and walk and live within our own light. Be one with the devine, be one with the single consinious.

Allow yourselves time to meditate and venture to period before the beginning of time. Unlock the conditioning of society and walk boldly foward in the love and the light of the one and all of everything.

Dare to go over the top, go out of your comfort zone and be overly openly smilling and happy toward every one and every situation. This allows the awareness of unconditional states to manifest and become our reality. We become obsevers in our own destiny.

I am but a simple man, but like so many others, have nutured a knowing within my self that desired in appreciation of everything. It is an individuals journey, special and very personal to each other. It is also a simple matter of choice. Brothers and Sisters of Light, we CAN NOT FAIL. This will happen, we will bring every possible element of this new way of feeling (thinking) into being. Embrace it for what it is and enjoy the ride.

Lastly, we all have a specific purpose to deliver within this grand plan. Please find the time and the beautiful peace that you all have within your souls and find out what your own specific purpose is. I am so humbled to know what mine is, it brings me to tears of unconditional joy within my soul.

Smile and every one you see on the street, it has the most profound affect on people and fill your smile with unconditional love.


Anonymous said...

A beautiful noosa evening to you victoria, thanks for allowing yourself to be guided to such an enlighening site. A breath of the most purest air just swept through my being, a cool breeze. Beautiful lady of light, child of the universe, wayshower, dare to be your self in the purest feeling of unconditional love, every single moment of every day.

I have proven many many times that this works and works in the most interesting and most profound ways. It is a wonderful honor I feel when I allow myself the time to exaime where I have been and where I am now.

A YOU know Victoria deep within your own beautiful soul, a eternal flame continues to burn. As quoted from your wonderful link, "we can not fail".

The honest and logical truth that resides within the feeling of words so loving explained to those of us who choose to look deeper into unconditional love and beyond. Into the silence of our inner selves to understand and ask or allow the answer to flow forth when we are ready to receive. Be only in the truth of your own light, always.

Bring this beautiful paradise of paradises into reality, its time to wake up and walk and live within our own light. Be one with the devine, be one with the single consinious.

Allow yourselves time to meditate and venture to period before the beginning of time. Unlock the conditioning of society and walk boldly foward in the love and the light of the one and all of everything.

Dare to go over the top, go out of your comfort zone and be overly openly smilling and happy toward every one and every situation. This allows the awareness of unconditional states to manifest and become our reality. We become obsevers in our own destiny.

I am but a simple man, but like so many others, have nutured a knowing within my self that desired in appreciation of everything. It is an individuals journey, special and very personal to each other. It is also a simple matter of choice. Brothers and Sisters of Light, we CAN NOT FAIL. This will happen, we will bring every possible element of this new way of feeling (thinking) into being. Embrace it for what it is and enjoy the ride.

Lastly, we all have a specific purpose to deliver within this grand plan. Please find the time and the beautiful peace that you all have within your souls and find out what your own specific purpose is. I am so humbled to know what mine is, it brings me to tears of unconditional joy within my soul.

Smile and every one you see on the street, it has the most profound affect on people and fill your smile with unconditional love.


AnonimaAnonima said...

Hello Blossom, I wonder if channeling the Federation of Light feels different than before? Because I sense that you've tapped into a higher frequency since about 2 or 3 weeks. The frequency shift probably started slowly when you met those light beings on a spacecraft in a vision.

I haven't talked much with my guide lately. I suffer from "channel fatigue" ;-) So I'm not really updated when it's about galactic activities. I also wonder if I'm ready for "soon". Energy transmissions can be quite intense, but First Contact, that's big, really big.

And we are happy to announce that very presently (?) there shall be an awakening to a degree that far outweighs that which took place in the date of last year that you were asked to give forth to the planet earth.

This doesn't necessarilly mean First Contact, it could also mean an awakening of consciousness, an understanding on a deep level for humanity.

For the first time in my life I'm not in a hurry but rather slow :-) Time will tell what the Feds are talking about, the tale will unfold itself...

Faith said...


BEautiful Gorgeous new 8/20 channeling- gave me goosebumps! And I personally feel so different now that I have finally moved to a better home, I feel like a happy child! I'm ready, bring them on!

See you all at the PARTY!

ALoha, Faith Ann

Anonymous said...

Hello Blossom,

There will be a NASA space mission in a few days.

Aug. 25, 1:36 a.m. EDT Mission STS-128, Space Shuttle Discovery launches from Kennedy Space Center - Launch Pad 39A
Landing: Sept. 6 at 8:40 p.m. EDT, Kennedy Space Center


Anonymous said...

They are so close Blossom I feel them so strong:)I have been thinking that we need to be ready and in our knowing.

Victoria said...

Hello everyone,

Thank you Blossom again for the last channeling, confirming the "buzz" and bringing to us the "heralding news". I had a very strong feeling after my last post that this channeling was coming 'soon'.

So it is true then, very soon means "very presently" as they said. In that case I am going to pull my daughter's tooth out to make it even 'sooner'...lol...just kidding!

Thank you Dan for your wonderful and moving words. They brought happy tears to my eyes and Love to my soul. I wanted to keep reading more, your words remind me of how my Higher Self speaks to me. Your words read so smoothly, they carry a soothing vibration of Love and calming tone of Truth. You should keep writing more...perhaps a blogspot for you...? :)

'With Love' I left a message for you in my blog. (I lost your e-mail address...sorry) :(

Soon, very soon...They are already here...Their scent is in the air. Take very Deep Breaths everyone. Breath in the Love and Light that is already here for us to anchor in order to help uplift our brothers and sisters of Earth.

Much Love and Light to ALL,


Wanda said...

just want to say..

MUCH Love and Light to ALL of us nutters !!!

Ha !.. just the other day, my 24 year old daughter told me she used to think of me as crazy, or out there, but now.. she's finally opened up to everything I've always said. Too funny :-)

guess it really does take us nuts that have always been, to be able to get through.

Blossom, Thank You for all your selflessness in giving so much of yourself to light up the world.

We ARE getting it.


Ami Drutman said...

Thank you very much dear Blossom, thank you FOL and thanks everyone that give his love to mother earth, brothers and sisters. Your last chanelling was amazing, a moving one.
I hear a hiss every time i meditate, a very hi pitch hiss.
I send my deep love to all you.

Anonymous said...


I just have a question about a dream my wife had a few weeks ago.
my wide is very sick and maybe it was something spiritual but here it is. she saw 2 people that she didn't recognize the place she was i think was a forest. the 2 people showed her a very large hole in the earth. when she looked down it she saw a large sun, then the two people looked at her and smiled then jumped in to the hole. my wife said her dream also had snakes in it. this dream was very vivid to her! can anyone send me some info. my email address is eallaire@comcast.net thanks.

Anonymous said...

This is sooo good the owl has been around me alot!



Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I just have a question about a dream my wife had a few weeks ago.
my wide is very sick and maybe it was something spiritual but here it is. she saw 2 people that she didn't recognize the place she was i think was a forest. the 2 people showed her a very large hole in the earth. when she looked down it she saw a large sun, then the two people looked at her and smiled then jumped in to the hole. my wife said her dream also had snakes in it. this dream was very vivid to her! can anyone send me some info. my email address is eallaire2@comcast.net thanks.

August 22, 2009 2:05 AM