Hello everyone!Enjoy your day!
I just wanted to wish you all a lovely day!
My absence from channelling has not been for the want of trying ... (is that the right term?). The Federation simply have not been about for me to do so. I have tried about four times now. Plus ... the last two days I have been horizontal!! Every now and then my energy gets so low (or something happens to it) where picking up a cuppa is too heavy for my fingers! I am SO out of it, yet i am aware enough to know that I am 'off planet' a lot and get momentary visions of 'spacey things'.
I have arranged to do a White Cloud meeting at my house this evening. At this point I am not sure if it will go ahead or not. I will see how the day goes. Hey! At least I am upright ... a bonus!! If it does I was hoping to put the audio up ... so fingers crossed.
I have come to my computer this morning and received some lovely well wishes for the day ... you'd think it was my birthday. So thanks everyone for that.
My hubby Goody keeps reiterating that ALL IS AS SHOULD BE , and I know he's right. I will next channel the FEDS when I next channel The FEDS ... not before , not after!
So my friends .... have a lovely day ... sending out thoughts of Love to our planetary and universal friends alike.
It would be great to see some action in the skies ... large or small ... just a hello to mark the anniversary of this special date.
I will be back in the swing of things soon of that there is no doubt.
Be of everything that is of
Love Light Laughter and Golden Rays
Just letting you know that my thoughts are where they were this time last year. But, at a much higher frequency.
Love,light&GOLDEN RAYS,
Happy Oct 14! Happy Navet Day!
Lots of love Blossom. Hugs and Kisses.
I dont know if you have seen this yet...;o)
Wow, how far have we all come in 12 months!
Thank you Blossom and The FOL!
Lets keep our eyes to the skies guys.
Love and Light to all,
Happy 14th of October anniversary to the believers out there and to Blossom, a very special thankyou for being you - such an inspiration to so many souls in the world who are looking for answers and dreaming of a better way. I hope and pray as you do Blossom, that there is something in the skies today, of all days. A sign. Something to let us know that we are indeed on the path of love and truth.
My prayer is - bring us home, now.
Much love and blessings to all,
Still blowing a gale here my back verenda roof has lifted, I keep going out and feeling the wind so powerful, I am so glad Blossom you are having a meeting with your group again,I have been wondering about that. I was just today reading where White Cloud was talking to your group and preparing them for their 'JOY' as he put it, that is what I kept thinking about today when he said in my reading it is a joy don't make it a chore that needs to get done quickly and then go on to the next task and the next.I will be with you, White Clouds merry band in spirit, I love you/him/them:)and nothing will ever change that!
Sadly not to be kerrie. It appears writing this post was just too much for me!! Been horizontal all day again ... and had to cancel meeting. Hey ho! Oh DO beam me up Scottie!!!
Hey Blossom! Had to drop a word on this monumental day. Since last year so many people have come together in their vision of a better world and possibilities without limitation, really quite something. How time flies...Though not in the physical world you're probably communicating and being mentored a lot by the feds on an astral level. Perhaps it's more intense lately than before and thus leaving you with a sense of fatigue, for lack of a better word, in the physical world. I'm keeping my eyes to the sky as always, you never know. I have found more confirmation for the likelyhood of a formal disclosure, which I wrote to you about in my last email, near the end of the year. It would be amazing and a great step forward for all....for people who haven't heard about it;
Take care, be well and thanks to all who are awakening and spreading the one love!
Your friend Jerome from the Netherlands
Happy Anniversary.
I do hope that you get 'better'soon Blossom. But, all is as should be.
Be good for everyone to check out Mike Quincy's Oct 14th channelling. very interesting!!!!
Hi Blossom! I read mike's posting before I got here tonight (this morning, my time) and thought of you as well as feeling that you might be a little more tired than usual. Be sure you're surrounding yourself with the white and golden light to keep out anyone or thing that might be about tapping YOUR energy to keep things quiet. Mike's reading was not the only thing I read or saw this morning, so everyone keep sending the good energy to Blossom AND the Federation. Disclosure may come sooner than we thought and that will get `em here quicker too. :-)
Hugs, Love, light and lots of energy to you.
Much love to you, Blossom and take good care of yourself. It is probably a time for you to focus inward, instead of outward and upward.
What I admire the most in you is your ability to stay truthful and loving at the same time. You don't alter your truth to please others and you don't judge others. We all know that it isn't easy to hold the light in challenging situations, but I think that you're so in touch with your inner truth that you will always return to it. Even if you feel "lost" at times the magnetics of your inner truth are stronger.
This is also the reason why the Feds work with you, because if you weren't able to stick to your truth, you weren't able to convey their messages truthfully.
Your message of last year has opened a door inside of me to a higher truth. And I know that it is up to me to align myself with that truth, to be inspired by it and to work with it. Perhaps the Feds didn't show up last year, but they managed to awaken the ground crew. They did a great job.
Blessings! :)
Hi Blossom and All.
Just here to share some thoughts before i go mad.
In God is journey,
Share Love with.
Creation to Evolution.
Mind has control over matter,
A beating heart over spirit.
Spirit expression has control over energy.
Use art to gain perspective.
Love & Light
My eyes have been pealed since last year. I know they are there. I feel them. I wish they would reveal themselves. I think you are a courageous woman.
I find it interesting that last year David Wilcock commented on 10-14-08 and he stated that the FOL would not reveal themselves.
Yet... a year latter he is saying disclosure is imminent and will occur by the end of the year. He said he knows the date but wont disclose it. I was kind of hoping maybe today...
Blessings to you. I hope you get recharged.
I hope you feel better soon Blossom.
Wishing you well,
Glad you're doing better, Blossom. We send our love and light to you ! Mike Quinsey's last channeling with the GFL posted Oct. 14th is very exciting, stating that before the end of the year that information will formally come out that we are not alone on this planet, or in this universe. Please follow the link below to read the entire message. Take care, and rest up well. I feel that you will be very busy in the next 2 months doing your very important channeling work.
Love and Light, Mike D.
felt i should share this
hope your today is amazing
Happy Oct 14th everyone!
We have all come very far whether we yet realise it or not.
Keep fighting the good fight!
Love Light & Laughter :-)
Saz & MicK
and this to
Hi Blossom...today is my blog's 1 year anniversary. I started bloging on the day of "the" (non?)event and never stopped since. I just had to come here to say thank you for being an inspiration and to indirectly keep me blogging. I have found out a ton of information with the help of so many other starseekers. One of them sent me this quote and I would like to share it with you on this day:
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."
Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha
Be well. AIAISB.
Did you see this? AMAZING!! They really wanted to be noticed this time!!!
Hello, hmmm... right on time yesterday there was a huge green lightball seen over whole northern germany, very bright, very strange ... germany normaly is very ufo less in mainstream media but now watch that:
it says:
Aufregung um Lichtkugel - Experten vermuten Meteoriten
excitement about lightball - experts suppose meteor
hui, normaly this is a regulated by public law tv station, never seen this type of stuff in german tv before... i think there was too many people watching this so you cant deny it.
Blessings to all on this anniversary of Hope. To quote a most beautiful song from John Lennon....
"Another year over,
and a new one just begun."
There have been so many changes in my life, and reality since I first found your words, Blosssom. I always knew, but was afraid to speak or share what I've seen and know.
Seems like right now, all bets are off... Speak up !! Tell everyone !! So many people I would have never believed I could share with .. they called me crazy all my life..(in a loving way). NOW.. now they have seen for themselves and are awakening. And so many strangers, too !
It seems it won't be long now, before the process begins.
Dearest soul, Blossom, get the rest you need. I think a few of us have been on low energy recently. All will be as it should be.
Golden Rays... Much Love & Light to All.
Dear Blossom please take care of you my friend.
Last night at 9.30 pm I was sooo needing to connect with White Cloud, I was sending you my love and reading Walking in the light and the love, where White Cloud speaks of how Mother Earth is desperately trying to show us her beauty and all we need to do is be aware of her, focus our attention on her and give gratitude for her, I made a resolve to acknowledge her more often and to just 'BE' more often so she can speak to my heart and I can hear the whispers in the wind.
A huge energy started up,I needed to breathe deeply, I felt White Cloud so close and I sent him my love and gratitude and I felt it return, I heard all is well, I said to him funny I keep hearing that lately instead of All is as it should be:) I seem to like all is well at times,its feels of a different vibration,very peacefull, I felt White Cloud say peace be with you and I said also with you! I have heard this once before when The Feds were talking to me!
Its still blowing a gale here, I have never experienced this before we had a break for a few hours and then it started up again this afternoon, I have tied the back verander roof down, I hope it will hold untill they fix it.I can't stop meditating and I keep listening to White Clouds visualisation,I keep feeling energies going though me, I feel really calm and blissed out.Praying alot!Mother Mary is getting a lot of attention:))
P.S. Blossom my daughter is ready to give birth anytime now,maybe The Feds can hurry it up she is over it:)Love to you Blossom and all here at this special time, the aniversary of our awakening to a more pure love that will take us into the New World how it was designed to be as White Cloud says:)
Evening Blossom,
I hope you had a very restful day yesterday for such a wonderful occassion. As Goody has said, am sure all is as it should be.
Something to lighten your day, a girlfriend of mine sent this youtube link to me and it is beautiful. Well worth the 10mins to enjoy and become submerged within the energy.
All my brothers and sisters of light everywhere, enjoy this link and it gets better the more you watch it.
Be true to your soul always,
Hola Blossom! Hope you're feeling better today. Somehow I disagree with the "happy Oct 14th" thing. I don't want to upset anyone, I know there are some people who never watched the skies before or that did not know about the spiritual challenges that we face, and I understand they might feel sort of thankful for what became out of that date, but to a lot of us that have been on this path for quite a while, it was really a terrible day and I don't see a need to change that label. A short story: I went through a terrible loss many years ago that destroyed my world. After years, I understood that it was neccessary for that to happen so I could change my world for the better. I feel grateful everyday for the final outcome of that loss, but I still grieve for that day, I don't celebrate it. I hope you see my point.
Hey Daniel,
Great video - many thanks for posting the link.
@ Coach Enrique ... as you know I always very much respect your words. For me ... I choose to celebrate it because I have had letters from many people saying how that date changed their lives for the better ... many many people ... so in my eyes ... it certainly is a day of celebration. Thats just for me ... and as we all know .. each to their own Truth. Golden Rays to you.
I find it sad and somewhat "fishy" that they have not had anything to say lately, to say the least.
Maybe they feel "ashamed" to have betrayed us so blatantly last year and this year also?
Because that's what I felt back then last year and in a way still do.
All I've been asking all along was a minimum of proof, that would be much appreciated and that's what they have promised (as lately as a couple of posts ago) and not delivered yet.
Another sad thing: I don't look at the sky anymore, they have even taken that joy from me.
My dear Coach how can you not celibrate creation, for that is what this is life the creative energy of love, to judge that energy is to block it, and this is our ultimate experience to feel these emotions (which is the reason for us being in this density) and to release judgement we have had the Masters asisting us here can you not feel that they UNJUDGEMENTALY have held our hand in this final releasing this creation of OURS. We are acepting that the Divine in us KNOWS what it is doing it is just the ego that tries to work it all out, I know some will say I am being gullable letting go of the mind and all its judgements on what is right and wrong, it is the judgement that causes the polarities to become duality the mind cannot understand the hearts knowing, but when you do, when you surender to what FEELS good the world works for you the universe feeds you with continous support and ALL IS AS IT SHOULD BE!In short all those that have been on this path for years who THOUGHT they had it down pat may need to release how they THOUGHT it was to be.Personally for me the 14th Oct bought me into a world that for 56 years I had no interest in being in, I kept my spirituality to myself, as the imbalance of the spirital ego that was out their was not of any interest to me, I now embrace this more balanced light (mind/spirit) as it now feeds my soul and my mind keeping me on the planet which is where we want to be, well some of us for those that don't they can go to the light..... choices! Wow you did it again! Coach sending you my love and gratitude for helping yet again to feel these emotions!As The Feds said may we first give gratitude for life!
I see Blossom that Mike Quinsey has another update (16/10) http://gfbymikequinsey.blogspot.com/ with even more good news. All is like you said and even though they have nothing to say I believe it's not the last time we'll hear from them before the arrival.
Love, Light & Laughter to all
I reckon the Fed realise this is not a good time to re-burden Bloss with the earthly stresses of last year.
My instinct has been that the supposed "visitation" last year was a celestial white-lie, it was in fact a call to awaken consciousness. No offence to Bloss, but the translation may or may not have been taken too literally last year, perhaps coloured by our impatient wish for things to happen NOW and not in the best natural order of things.
As with most things in life, the best things come to those who wait.. quite literally!
Let's keep working on making ourselves prepared enough to embrace the gifts we are being (tantalisingly) offered.
Dave, UK
Going further on my last comment on Oct 14th celebration, I think that some of us are forcing the interpretation of that event to avoid or to black out the pain of the heart when remembering it. It's not about labeling, it is about acknowledging our true feelings, and we need words to describe them, so we have to use "labels". We have been trained not to show our "weakness" to anyone, and we were told that we will annoy -even offend- someone if we tell them we feel sad or deceived, or betrayed -as I felt a year ago- by the FOL. Let's face it: if 10,000 people firmly believed last year that the event was real, how many people would believe TODAY if the same announcement is made? There might have been good consequences for some people, but for some others that we won't see in this forum, their trusting on promises of the spiritual world was severely damaged. Yes, let's celebrate the NOW, but at least acknowledge our pain of not knowing exactly what we are celebrating.
Hi all and Blossom,
Have people caught up with David Wilcock's big announcement on the 6th October on Coast to Coast with George Noory? He talks about imminent disclosure before the end of the year. Go to David's website, Divine Cosmos to listen to the audio interview.
Hi Blossom,
How are you feeling?
I hope you are starting to feel better.
I did Yoga the other day, and it was amazing. I think it is important that everyone does take the time out for some personal reflection every now and then...before I didn't because I was just too busy like everyone. But now I'm endeavouring to do the opposite.
@ Enrique - I can completely see where you are coming from. I think most of us acknowledge the dissapointment and sadness felt last year..for I'm sure we all felt it, but we know that it was the right thing and we have 'moved on'in a sense. Moved on to see the good side of things, surely it is better to focus on the positives.
Hoping to here from the FEDS soon.
Well for me Coach there is nothing but fond memories, no blocking out is required. I knew all was well, I knew that knowing and for some one that had earlier that year asked spirit for faith, for me to know that knowing was a gift from God, to know that I had faith all along,
so much faith that White Cloud was able to reach me and get me to do what was needed at that time, what a precious gift for me FAITH!.... Love to you Coach please take care:) The Feds have let us be for now, knowing we needed that space to go within, lets be brave, within can be a little bit scary, but you sound like you are not affraid my friend and have done it for many years, and you must be doing well else you wouldn't be here on Blossom's forum, we are in good company and should be proud!and speaking of Blossom, there is someone who doesn't mind showing her weaknesses for the whole world to see!!!!!!!all in the name of TRUTH! Namaste
With all respect, Coach Enrique, you can't say for everyone how they felt. For me it was more like "it's not the end" than dissapointment. I literaly knew it's not going to end this way and that a lot is being made "behind the curtain", so to speak. Everything I felt back than came true and is still coming true. So please, do acknowledge that it was a beginning for more people than you would think.
Remember, everyone has their own way and you cannot assume everyone's way is the same.
Hi Blossom and ALL.
I understand now why they do not show at this point. doing it so might affect our beings in this critical time of our evolution.
Do not surrender to a psionic- electronic COLLECTIVE which discourages free agency, sovereignty, creativity, liberty and self-expression. Such a false 'salvation' tends to KILL the spirit rather than set it free.
Be the giver, not the destroyer.
Honor every single aspect of Creation always.
Let go by the Heart.
Much Love too all.
Good morning all here, I have been compiling a tribute to this year in memory of The 14th of October, thank you coach:) see you are an inspiration! 'All is as it should be' my friend, we are all in this together:)And may I at this point say how gratefull I am that I am back on line again:)But I promise Blossom I'll be good balance and all that!!!! off now to smell the roses:)
I came across a great youtube, takes about 8 minutes to watch:
Enjoy and have a lovely day!
thanks daphne, that guy is great. highly recommended 8 minutes.
to blossom; nanu nanu, my dear. lets hope mike's october 14th announcement generates even more excitement than yours did.
Thanks for that laugh Daphane just what I needed my friend!
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