Take note of the 'patch of Light on the right' ... not in the other photos taken.
Before Oct 14th last year a gentle/man by the name of Lawrence laid down a bet with a British book makers that went like this :
"On or before December 31st, 2009 the UK Prime Minister or US President will officially confirm the six hour or longer sighting of a UFO piloted by aliens, confirmed to be of extra terrestrial origin, which has taken place between October 1st, 2008 and October 31st, 2009."
This then led on to this :
William Hill Suspend Ufo Bets!
Bookies William Hill have temporaily suspended their betting that the proof of the existence of intelligent extra terrestials will be confirmed by the serving Prime Minister following an extraordinary rush of bets, including one William Hill client looking to place a bet of £3,000. "This is the first time that an internet phenominum has affected our business. Blossom GoodChilds prediction that a spaceship will appear on Tuesday has got enthusiasts buzzing. We now have seven figure liabilities if the ship does appear and we have decided to duck any more big bets until the 14th has passed, hopefully without incident," said Hill's spokesman Rupert Adams.Hills biggest bet on UFO's was placed by Lawrence who staked £1000 at odds of 1000/1 with Hills that George Bush or Gordon Brown will officially confirm the appearance of alien UFOs within the next year! If he is correct he will be £1 Million richer!
What fun! I have been in contact with Lawrence due to this amazing wheeze! And I know for a fact that his intentions are most honourable. He made the bet in the first place so The Federations message could get out to a wider audience as it recieved publicity in British newspapers ... brilliant inspiration.
I also KNOW that should it be that The Federation decide to show before Oct 31st that Lawrence upon receiving his well deserved million ... has great plans to use it for the greater good! A win/win situation as he says.
SO!!! After Oct 14th of last year ... realising that the bet was still on, I asked that he would send me a bag of lollies should The Federation arrive ... he promised me a truck load!
Just recently ... Lawrence decided to take things a little further ... he asked me to send him a picture of the front of my house so he could visualise the truck turning up ... then he decided to take it one step further than that and to 'act as if' ... so he actually had delivered to my door 262 lolies ( to be precise!) on the condition that when they arrived I gave thanks and FELT 'as if' The Federation had actually appeared.
You know, throughout this journey of mine ... the road that I have travelled in this last year has connected me up with some of the most beautiful people. I am in the blessed position to receive letters from souls all over the world that have Truths and kindnesses like Lawrence. People who really care about this planet and are doing something about making this world a better place.
Lawrence like so many was experiencing a 'come on guys ... show up'. Purely from the point of view that it would 'shift things a long a bit' ... in a world where a lot of people could probably do with a good kick up the proverbial in order to get them to wake up!! Therfore his ruse to send the lollies ... to me ... shows such enthusiasm ... to do whatever it takes ... to bring about the event we are all yearning for ...
Now ... I know that some will get back at me and say 'You shouldn't be yearning'... 'it is up to us' etc. Yes ... we know this ... and we understand it also ... yet I also know IT IS going to happen ONE DAY ... and I personally would rather get this show on the road NOW ... and I know millions of others FEEL the same. However ...
I also KNOW they will present themselves when WE are ready to receive them.
So I vote we take a leaf out of Lawrences book and start 'acting as if' ... For if we are 'acting as if' ... it means we would be behaving in a manner that shows 'our friends in Higher places' that we have understood their message and we have 'Lightened up'. And they in turn would recognise this and ... hey presto!
Perhaps too if we FEEL in our Beings the FEELINGS of LOVE and gratitude that we would FEEL "when" they appear ... that would assit in the process also.
I have not yet been Divinely inspired as to what to do with these lollies for the greater good.(enjoying a few myself of course!) There are rainbow lollies ... heart lollies ... and umbrella lollies (like a craft). I would like to find something that brings an awareness about 'all of this' rather than just give them away. I am sure I will know what to do ... when I am meant to do it!
I just want to say THANK YOU LAWRENCE ... yes for sending the lollies ... but more so for taking action. WE CAN MAKE OUR WORLD HAPPEN WHEN WE PUT THOUGHT INTO ACTION.
We can all think lovely things ... but how often do we allow our thoughts to remain stuck in our minds ... instead of DOING SOMETHING TO BRING THEM INTO REALITY.
Perhaps we could start a 'Lawrences Loving Light Lolly' movement. You give a lolly to someone on the condition that all the while they are eating it they think only LOVING LIGHT thoughts. There you go ... and I think I have just found my 'little novelty' as to what to do with them ... just need to be guided as to who to give them to.
Golden Rays
PS. James Tyman is organising the biggest prayer vigil in history . To find out details please go to www.jamestwyman.com
many thanks.
Hi Blossom, You could hand out lollies to the homeless street people along with a hug. Or give some to the sick children in hospital....
Peace,Love,Light and Laughter
regarding the last channeling, when i readed "WE ARE LIGHT. YOU ARE LIGHT. WE ARE ALL FROM/OF THE SAME LIGHT. FOR THAT LIGHT IS ALL THERE TRULY IS", wow!!! it felt so .... i dont know...mmm... these guys...these guys they REALLY love us!!!! they are our family!!!
i cant find words to explain how it felt, im sure everybody felt the same!!!
keep on blossom! you are an inspiration for us
PABLO from Chile
I agree with SUZN... giving the lollies and a hug to the homeless or sick children is a wonderful way to lift their spirits, and I'll bet you, they will always remember that moment and it will bring a smile to their face! :)
I was thinking to glue the lollies in a beautiful design onto a landing pad for the FOL in your backyard- it would be really pretty! I think yearning is great, and acting as if is great too! And I don't agree that 'we have to do it all ourself'. Just letting you know where I stand. Thanks for all of your light- Faith
ps here is a beautiful message from John Smallman:
As the moment for the divine intervention into the affairs of humanity and
planet Earth approaches, be prepared for some startling occurrences that will
shortly be reported in the main news media.
Much is happening on many levels as the moment for humanity to move into full
consciousness approaches, and some intriguing events are about to occur that
will precede and herald the main one. They will astonish and amaze you and make
it quite clear to all that you are indeed divinely loved and cherished. As this
divine truth seeps into humanity's consciousness, fear and anxiety will fade
away to be replaced by a most wonderful sense of exhilarating anticipation.
Truly a time of great joy and peace is almost upon you that will wash away all
the pain, all the anger, all the fear, and all the distrust that has plagued
humanity for so long.
It will be a soothing balm, providing an experience of delightful contentment
and an intense and wonderful conscious knowledge that all is indeed divinely
taken care of. The apparently unending struggle for survival that such a large
proportion of humanity experiences constantly will cease – instantaneously. In
its place, there will be the reality of total abundance as every need is
satisfied, and life becomes an occasion, an experience of complete and
harmonious joy and delight that has always been divinely planned and intended.
Your times of sorrow, pain, and confrontational disharmony are almost at an end,
as God's divine light and grace washes over the planet, healing, repairing, and
renewing, so that the pristine beauty in which all was created may be gloriously
Very many of you have been praying and intending that this should come about,
and you have indeed been assisting in the recreation of this most divinely
pleasing reality into which humanity is about to move.
The work you have been doing is quite magnificent, and the rewards you are about
to receive will envelop you in the most rapturous delights. No one will be
disappointed, no one will be passed over or left out, because this is the divine
plan and the divine intent, and it cannot be prevented.
Intense joy and delight are about to sweep over you all, as you return once more
to the heavenly realms from which it seems that you have been separated for so
long. The illusion that has brought you so much sorrow and pain is about to
dissolve, as you awaken into the divine light of God's unending sunlit
environment of spectacular wonder and beauty.
You are almost there… So use your periods of prayer, relaxation, and meditation
to visualize this heavenly state that you are about to enter, and enjoy the
previews that you will experience.
With so very much love, Saul.
Abundance is in the air! Blossom you creator you:) remember we were talking about the lollies when we were watching the dolphin at sunset at the point we are good!
Today I was told I have won money...... we'll see:)
My son dosen't believe it, he said don't get your hopes up, I said why not, how sad it is that we are so affraid of being let down we block our pleasures, block the flow of life,fearful of getting excited in case we get let down, how can you be let down when you know you are the creator and All is as it should be, feel the joy in your heart and don't look for it out side of you, but when fun and pleasure arrive from external source embrace it as iceing on the cake as The Feds say.
This feeling within allows you to experience pleasure from external things because nothing can take it away so no disappointment, I win we get to spread the Feds message and have fun:) I don't I still have this feeling in my heart that will never go away now that it is there.and that feeling will go out and spread the light,win/win but the iceing is no where as good as the cake:) Love,light and LAUGHTER
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams
Enjoy this utube you fellow powerful creators you
Faith that saul post was fantastic....feeling sooo good
Steve I woke up this morning to this youtube in my email and I was thinking of you, I hope you got my message after your post on Blossom's blog ( the previous post)
GUIDANCE; Blissful Beings, Find the JOY
Abraham Hicks inspired guidance; Why are you here on Earth?
To have more JOY!
Love JOY GUIDANCE Stream Well-Being that flows from Non-Physical Source and explains how manifestation occurs.
Michael Jackson Heal The World Clinton Gala 1992
In love and in honour of a star who is still shinning ........
........Heal the world make this a better place for our children
I’m sorry I am keeping you sooo busy this morning Blossom,
I just received this youtube from my Angel ametrine from my site, it is of her Native American Chief teacher, he has passed on now,
Last night I listened to my reading with you/White Cloud again and the powerful yet peaceful feeling that I started feeling kept me awake until the early hours of the morning, I kept asking him who are you? I feel we don’t know the half of who he is.This morning after I watched this youtube my heart started racing as I type this tears are falling, I don’t know why except right now I am feeling so much love.
Thanks for the GREAT song, Kerrie- I just sent it out to more people! I can't wait for the big dance party on the ALABAMA- this will have to be in the mix! Love to all, Faith
and yes, that Saul message just makes me so happy!
Blossom I just got this email from ametrine
Did you know there was a Book called White Cloud Lakota Spirit?
"An interpretation of Native American Shamanism, based on the teachings of a spirit elder of the Plains tradition, is the result of almost ten years of research and group seminars through which the elder spoke and delivered these messages to the authors. This elder--White Cloud--touches on many subjects of our world. He provides information on the past, views on the present, and guidance for the future. His teachings are designed to inform, educate, and stimulate a way of life which would bring back a balance and harmony between man and nature"
May be it is him, he has confirmed it was him in the Dawn Hill book, and isn't it funny that last night I asked him who he is!
Hello Blossom, you asked the Federation of Light the following question::
A burning question I am asked to ask you by many … does that mean we are still going to reside on earth … or will our actual physical bodies be residing IN a New World.
I personally think that ascension isn't the same as moving to another place or planet or being lifted up by spaceships and transported elsewhere. Ascension means making a dimensional shift in our DNA, bodies and consciousness. Higher dimensional living is a different state of BEING and perception and therefore we might want to make different choices. But I don't think we need to go anywhere to make the shift and to start living a multidimensional life.
You can live in the same house for many years. There are times that you feel down and there are times you feel great, those states of mind changes your outlook on your living space, the living space doesn't change, but your perception does.
If we are in love we might want to make radical changes that are aligned with our new state of being. And that's what might happen during the shift, that we feel inspired to move to another location, to re-decorate our current home, to travel the world, to change jobs, to end old relationships and to start new ones.
We don't need to make those radical changes, but perhaps we want to, because we're so full of love and new ideas that we we're not satisfied any longer with our old way of living. And yes, perhaps if we've made the shift and understand that we are able to create whatever we want, we might choose to re-locate to Mars, who knows ;-)
aho! Sat nam family ! ahh yes these last twO visits from FoL have created a wave havent they of contentment.. despite some sad happenings personal and in our world, we are holding the LIGHT! I want to add a bit about the 'star' as what it seems to be except its so huge - i was texting someone this morning to ask if they had yet seen the star just as I read it after typing it, Michael Jackson on the radio sang a line which ended with 'star' it took my breath away.. wherever you are - we honor and cherish the very great light you brought here MJ.. and Blos wow you are awesome, you seem so mellow as we now all are floating on down that beautiful waterway, and its a wonderFULL rainbow, pink and golden rays of calming spiritfilled balm ~ luv with blessings and thanks from Bama, USA
hi blossom!
well...., maybe they needed a day off!!! or maybe they were very busy working for us! ;)
anyway, i have this question:
why, since a few months, the channelings take place only on saturdays and sundays?
i know that a few months ago you and them made an agreement about maintaining channelings on a weekly basis, but why saturdays and sundays only?
-is it that you are just trying to tune in only on those days because of your other obligations and jobs?
-is it that you feel "the calling" only on those days?
-is there some sort of especific agreement between you and them that the channelings only will took place on saturdays and sundays?
maybe you should try to tune in on a thursday or tuesday!!! who knows!!!
i send a hug for you and to everyone
im very honored to be a witness of your work, and to be a witness of these days aswell.
PABLO from Chile.
I just signed on to see what the FOL had to say and was dissappointed to see there was no message. Is it just me, or do other people look forward to weekends just to see their words of wisdom? As Blossom says....all is at it should be, but I can't help but feel somewhat "abandoned?" Maybe too strong a word, but as I struggle to become more enlightened, it helps me to know that I am not alone. I am a being of light and I want to represent only Love and peace. My life's mission has changed and their message strengthens my resolve. I hope the FOL has words of encouragment tomorrow.
Ok so more on White Cloud he seems to be coming around a lot these past few days.I was thinking today of when I did an insight workshop 15 years ago and we were all told at the end of the workshop to go within and to create a personal affirmation, so I came up with mine and over the years I rarely remember it unless I am in a really negative space and I was in a very nice space today and it popped into my head along with the title of one of your books Blossom...WALKING IN THE LIGHT AND THE LOVE.
Well the affirmation I created all those years ago was 'I am a beautiful,powerful woman communicating with wisdom and sensitivity DANCING IN THE LIGHT AND THE LOVE!
I was talking to White Cloud and The Feds asking why I am sooo moved by all this and I wrote some things down the book came up that I bought at that mediums show I went to Rainbows in the dark by Esio De Anglis on the young shamans journey to bring in a new truth to his tribe,and on my way home there was a huge wide rainbow:)all these little jigsaw pieces all fitting into place making a picture that I havn't quiet worked out yet.
Thank you blossom.
I bow to protect your soul forever.
What happened to Victoria?
A lovely yong man I have met doing this work with The Feds has just now posted a very long excellent channeling on one of the sites I take The Feds group to,
here are some extracts from it also he has done a youtube which is excellent with the best extracts in it if you don’t want to read the whole channeling at least please watch the youtube:
What would we receive?
Should you decide that such a contact takes place, we would rejoice over the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of the universe, fruitful diplomatic exchanges, and the intense Joy of knowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of. The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy is divine.
What is the question we ask you?
How to can you answer this question?
The truth of soul can be read by telepathy. You only need to clearly ask yourself this question and give your answer as clearly, on your own or in a group, as you wish. Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does not impact the efficiency of your answer, YES or NO, IMMEDIATELY AFTER ASKING THE QUESTION! Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about the message. This is a universal question and these mere few words, put in their context, have a powerful meaning. You should not let hesitation in the way. This is why you should calmly think about it, in all conscience. In order to perfectly associate your answer with the question, it is recommended that you answer right after another reading of this message. Do not rush to answer. Breathe and let all the power of your own free will penetrate you. Be proud of what you are! The problems that you may have weaken you. Forget about them for a few minutes to be yourselves. Feel the force that springs up in you. You are in control of yourselves! A single thought, a single answer can drastically change your near future, in one way as in another. Your individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up on your material plan and in broad daylight is precious and essential to us. Even though you can choose the way that best suits you, rituals are essentially useless. A sincere request made with your heart and your own will will always be perceived by those of us whom it is sent to. In your own private polling booth of your secret will, you will determine the future.
It is possible that this invitation does not receive your collective assent and that, because of a lack of information, it will be disregarded. Nevertheless no individual desire goes unheeded in the universe. Imagine our arrival tomorrow. Thousands of ships. A unique cultural shock in today's mankind's history. It will then be too late to regret about not making a choice and spreading the message because this discovery will be irreversible. We do insist that you do not rush into it, but do think about it! And decide! The big medias will not be necessarely interested in spreading this message. It is therefore your task, as an anonymous yet an extraordinary thinking and loving being, to transmit it.
You are still the architects of your own fate....
i say yes
Below is his blog
Blossom things are hotting up I feel, last night while laying in bed I clossed my eyes and was feeling them so close, I opened my eyes expecting to see that I had left my lamp on as I saw a light with my eyes closed but when I opened them it was dark, I closed my eyes again and the light was there again, I saw in my head heaps of ships in the sky.One of the ships beamed a gold light down to me.
I just read the May 31st channelings (page 15) and I had an idea about what they might be trying to say..
Imagine a blank canvas.
Now imagine drawing a big "E" on it.
Currently, there "is" an "E" on the canvas.
Now imagine adding two additional lines, which change the "E" to a "B".
Now there is a "B" on the canvas.
The "E" only had its meaning because it DOES NOT have the parts that make it a "B".
What you perceive "is" on the canvas depends on what IS NOT on the canvas.
Spoken language is another good example. When we speak we make sounds, but just as important are the pauses between the sounds - where we make no sound at all.
All languages are implied in each other. I am specifically selecting certain patterns of characters to type to you, over all the possible characters I *could* type. For example, if I say "Hello" it only makes sense because I'm NOT saying "Kiwi"
@ anonymous .. (Pablo) ... All of the above!!! It seems to have just settled in that way. I can channell when ever suits I guess, its just that is the way it has worked out. Each channell takes almost three hours from startto finish to actually get posted , so its a matter of having the uninterupted time. Things may change though. It's also helpful because people know to check at the weekends.When writing 'The Bridge ' I used to channell for half an hour every day. But thats not how things are now obviously. I am sure if there was anything of HUGE importance they would let me know. Whilst here ... Golden Rays to one and all and thank you ALL so much for your imput and kind words.
Seriously, Blossom, how is one to believe you without any "proof"?
Almost an entire year has passed, without the FOL-Chaps having showed up, let alone provided any info that would substantiate your claim: say technical innovations, world events, groundbreaking revelations only aliens could know about etc.
I would go as far as to say that even if they were to show up someday, this would by no means mean that you were telling the truth, in fact, you could still be a fraudster.
Please Blossom, it is impossible to trust you solely by looking at your picture...people need proof of the FOL, and you as first should know this: people are leaving your site en masses (that's what the counter says), and I don't think that's exactly in the interest of you or the FOL.
I'll give them a maximum of another 2 channellings to get "real", it just won't do giving lessons about love when we don't even know if they exist in the first place...
Dear anonymous. Thank you for your comment. May I say I am not trying to prove anything to anyone. I am simply delivering messages that I have been asked to deliver... If it is not your Truth that is fine. If within two more channellings you still assume me to be a fraudster ... then I Truly hope that you find your answers elsewhere. It is your Truth that matters to you ... not mine. Is that not what The Federation teach? My stats show that an average of 13,000 new visitors come to my website each month ... if one, just one of those souls finds benifit in the words written there , then I have indeed done well. If a label has 'genuine leather' written on it, one can only KNOW by the FEEL if that is True . Same applies here.Golden Rays to you and thanks for sharing. ps . I only removed the last comment because I had some spelling mistakes and thought I had 'copied' it to paste with corrections ... alas ... no! Der!Enjoy a day full of Love Light and Laughter.
Blossom i'm sorry to intrude in your space like this.
I have done it. i have created it.
i hope i'll find my guidence in here.
Much love for everyone.
blossom goodchild i wood like to ask you if you kod ask the fol abot pleant NAPRUE sarry my splling isit so good thnks love light and laughter scott ag21
Anonymous remember this bit!
Welcome to you dearest lady and those of you who have been drawn to read these words that we offer. There are some who read these words who are what we would call ‘sitting on the fence’. This is fine. They are not sure one way or the other exactly what they FEEL about our presence within their space as they sit and read our offerings. May we state … we are not here to try and convince anyone of the Truth of ourselves. That is not our position. Our place is to give insight in the correct manner of appropriateness in order to assist those that are ‘up for the pickings’ so to speak. Again … let us make it clear that there is freedom of choice in all things. Therefore there is the choice to read these words and make decisions of one’s Truth … there is also the choice not to read these words at all.
Like many who come through with messages to your planet at this time … we are here to assist the transformation into the New World. The New Lighter World that inevitably … without doubt is drawing ever closer. Our words are offered to prepare you for what lies ahead.
It has been noted by many that we speak mainly of LOVE. This is who we are. This is who you are. This is how your New World is to function … in LOVE. That is why we come to share opportunities that may lift ones spirits out of the gloom that is within your planet for many.
Again we speak of choice. You will not be able to lift your spirits if you focus on that which is on the gloomy side. If this is what you do … this is where you shall remain. Understand these words. In their fullness. If you choose to concentrate on gloom … there you shall remain.
Yet we say to you … if you chose to focus on Light … in LOVE … then your soul shall rise into a Higher dimension from that which it resides in now.
Blessings to you Blossom. I agree with you completely. One must FEEL it as their truth, as the Feds keep saying. On my path, it is no coincidence that what the Feds are saying is Exactly what I'm reading in the Convaluted Universe series by Dolores Cannon. My mind is expanding so much, and with that comes the heart expansion. LOVE truly is all that matters.
As far as the lack of a message on Sunday, maybe they are just sitting back watching the world unite in Love and mourning at the passing of a great Lightworker, Michael Jackson. One of THE greatest just went home. The whole world has been affected.
All the lightworkers have felt this, so I know it is seen throughout the universe. If you spend your time waiting for them to show up, instead of living in truth and love, then you are just wasting the time you have to move forward in your own truth and light. Shine that Light!
by the way, has anybody been checking out the new crop circles? Boy, June has been active!
Blossom, your love and dedication to bringing us these messages is beautiful.
Much love, Light and Pink/Golden rays to you.
This really hit home big time with me as I have found it nessacery to constantly bring myself back to my heart to my light as these energies increase. Despite the magic,the beauty I am feeling/experiencing, I also am around the opposite, but I seem to be able to detach more and more from it, which is quiet an unfamiliar experience, but it doesn’t mean that you don’t care,you are being an example and allowing others to be empowered as you honor their choice and allow them to collect themselves along the way.
Kuthumi and the Great White Brotherhood,
Find your centers, Dear Ones. Remember that you came to ground your Light into core of the Earth and to run this energy as transducers, but that does not mean that you take on the karma and the issues of those around you, no matter how much you love and care about them.
I have popped the rest of the channeling on my blog
Wanda thanks for the info on the crop circles as a Gemini I like this one:
Gemini Twins Crop Circle 21 Jun 09
But to my amazement was the dragonfly that appeared on my birthday or the day after depending on which youtube you watch,as the dragonfly was around me 2years ago big time, when I first got these frequencies that ended up leading me to Blossom's site.
And I like what you said about your minds expansion leading you to your heart, light is information it is freedom from the fear ignorance creates. So the Gemini theme is appropriate as we are sooo in the mind, which is yes leading us to our hearts, who would have thought that!
It is starting to make sense what I got in my head that I didn't understand one morning at 3am
'I think therefore I am'
I thought that is not right that means we are our mind and we are not that! but I THINK I understand now,it is important what we think as the Feds say what you think/feel is.
Blossom today I felt them so close,I received you moments musical CD in the post,it is so you, made be smile big time:)you are such a bright light my friend, I put on White Clouds visual meditation,I was so bringing them in not because I felt needy and wanted them to save us, even though a frequency was going through me and tears were flowing, I felt empowered centered in self, in the heart, a sense of well being and connection,as if I was calling to them as if it is time as if I need to connect to a part of me that is missing.
Afterwards I wrote somethings down, Mike and Jenny have had some contact also. And just now on my page on my site my intuitive angel ametrine put a picture of ETS and a spaceship landing with a big red heart on their chest.Like your lollipops:)
I just now came across this post on Daystar command a new site I took the Feds group to tonight:
Hello everyone,
I would like to report what i witnessed yesterday night when i came back home from work... It was dark already, and when i stepped out of the car, i lifted my head to watch the sky... and i couldn't beleive it... The sky was cloudy and just around the moon, a perfect circle, without clouds at all only in that area, was around the moon... it was quite big and we could see the big circle very clearly with naked eyes. It was too big to be taken by camera. I called my husband for witness, and he saw it too, even if he doesn't beleive in any extraterrestrial presence at all...
What do you say ? was it a lightship, spaceship ? It stayed for a long while... I could connect with them and the only thing i could do is to send them love and feel a tremendous joy in my heart... It was like a call from me that they answered.... and indeed i really think that they are very near to us....
After their departure, the moon had a rainbow all around...
Blossom this is exactly what I saw just after Oct 14th except for the rainbow, so I have seen them Whoo hoo,The funny thing is that I posted it on Brad's first site the blog spot and when I went back the next day my post was gone.... Ok thats me done untill some others post on your blog I promise but something is in the air!
I just found a post I did in moon group on saviors back in November
Comment by Kerrie on November 28, 2008 at 12:30pm
This 4th dimensional quickening is getting quicker!!!! REPLACEMENT!!!!! of the moon. I had a repetitive thought a couple of months ago about not being able to see the moon after a few days I saw it but it looked as though there was a unusual bright glow around it(new moon) previously (full moon) one night there were stars and clouds in the sky except for a perfect clearing within a circle around the moon. This week others are commenting on the absent moon. Alex Collier said if there was a problem with those of us, that do not have our best interest at heart, those of us that are working with the greys, intervention will have to happen. FOL do not have a war type nature but they did say Other beings can DEAL with such as this. 5th Dimension here we come:))
Love and LIGHT Kerrie
Hi everyone, I am back. Thank you to the ones who were concerned for me and sent me their Love and Light. I was not well but now I am. I am going through all my messages and I will reply to all, one at a time. Thank you again!
blossom this time do not tell the world all about a channeling even if you have the best interest even if something gos wrong, it's better to say nothing until some event happpens rather that suffering grief from others.
there is somekind of "Trickster" out there even if you believe it to be true.
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